2 May 2019

About conference


POLAND, Cracow 14-15 June 2019


Pedagogical University of Cracow

The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA)


The conference focuses on elder abuse, in particular on prevention and protection of the rights of senior citizens. The Conference fits the celebration of the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).

The purpose of the Conference is the exchange of insights and experiences related to the prevention and protection of seniors against any forms of abuse, violence, negligence and discrimination, as well as learning about the international system solutions and popularization of the best prevention and intervention practices.

We have planned 19 presentations delivered by experts from different countries. Among the guests are distinguished specialists from all over the world, expert representatives from the leading academic centers and European and global organizations.

We wish to invite Polish and international representatives of social (senior) policies, NGOs and universities  to participate in the Conference and discussions. The collaboration of international, national and regional leaders, researchers, geriatricians and social workers provides the opportunity to develop the best preventive measures.

The Conference focuses mainly on the educational aspect and the use of proven solutions in social practice, which would generate the long-term benefits resulting from this meeting.

To enable the exchange of insights and free discussion, a simultaneous interpretation of all the presentations will be provided.