Application form must be send to: by the date: 31 May 209
Conference fee (symbolic) 50 USD/50 EUR – dealine 5 June 2019For INPEA Members and Students conference fee (with discount) 40 USD/40 EUR
Payment details:
Pedagogical University of Cracow, POLAND
Bank Pekao SA oddział w Krakowie
(EURO) IBAN PL 78 1240 4722 1978 0000 4851 6422, SWIFT code: PKOPPLPW
With a note: DK- 391 Name, surname (for example: DK-391, John Smith)
(USD) PL 58 1240 4722 1787 0000 4849 6359, SWIFT code: PKOPPLPW
With a note: DK- 391 Name, surname (for example: DK-391, John Smith)